ModelVertical Cut Fruit Slicer
Motor Power (Watts)750W
Cutter Speed450r/min
Working Current


Cut Section4X(1-5)MM至5X(1-5)MM
Slice Thickness0.5MM-5MM
Work EfficiencyShred: 250KG/hour Slice: 250KG/hour
Weight (kg)40KG

Qingshunfu Kitchen Utensils Equipment Factory

  • Introduction: Qing Shun series cut fruit slicer is based on similar products at home and abroad on the design and production. This product has a beautiful appearance, Superior performance, safe and hygienic Is radish, potatoes, medium grapes, papaya, sweet potato and other fruits, vegetables, sliced shredded ideal equipment. It is suitable for organs and institutions, military units, school canteens and hotels, restaurants, restaurants use.
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